4 min readFeb 11, 2021

So Okay. I’m a dumbass and don’t know how to publish a PDF online without, like, making a website or some shit. So this seemed like a good way to do this. I did a lot of stuff with this. Maybe some of it is extraneous, but, like, maybe someone would find it helpful.

I also am not familiar with New Jersey Suburbs, or Philadelphia suburbs… or Washington state suburbs, or Chicago at all… or, like, Maryland…and, uh, Virginia…and a bunch of other places. So my labeling of what these districts contain might be a little, uh, redundant, maybe? Or something. Who knows. And what’s a Peoria?

But like yeah. Medicare for All or, as they say in the biz, Single Payer, is a way better system. I could write so much stuff on it but I really don’t think I need to because there are books on this shit and you should read them.

But if I had to say one thing about Single Payer and how we “pay for it” (because for some reason that’s a hella huge hangup for a lot of people), is that it kinda pays for itself. The cost is in getting rid of the health insurance industry and in not allowing big pharma to price gouge. When you get rid of an industry, or do a shutdown of anything in the private sector, that’s basically like something that requires you to stimulate the economy. So shutting down private insurance frees up a lot of resources and the government’s going to hire some but not all of those resources. In addition, most people are covered by their employer. Their employer sets prices and it would be a lifted recurring cost for employers, so it’d be just as inflationary as a corporate tax cut which isn’t very inflationary. You’re also lifting premiums and co-pays for a lot of people too which wouldn’t probably be that inflationary, but maybe we want that little bit if we just don’t tax them to cover it. Maybe we tax a little bit. And remember, a lot of what causes inflation also is what causes full employment and increasing wage share. But I swear, the CBO is going to say some shit about the deficit and fuck them, they’d be wrong. And yeah, sure, tax the rich because fuck them. That’s why you tax them. It doesn’t make sense to tax them to pay for anything, but it makes sense to tax them because fuck them. It’s a lot. If this doesn’t make sense to you, you should learn about demand, inflation, and Marginal Propensity to Consume. And MMT. You should learn MMT.

But that’s really a different discussion. I make list. Everything is all in one place now. I hope it’s helpful to anyone. That kind of thing can be helpful, right? Progressives can win in the midterm primaries. We can do it. Just gotta know what’s going on.

And maybe you hate the Democratic Party.

Cmon. Seriously, get real. Building a third party is way harder than getting people who *legitimately* support Medicare for All into office as Democrats.

But hey, I’m an Optimist.

Like #FTV seemed to be entirely about (in good faith) getting Nancy Pelosi out and wielding power to out the Bad Centrist Dems as totally inhuman. Well. Nancy Pelosi is going out. And the list of Bad Centrist Dems is here.

(I care about you)

Good argument to get these people primaried. Some easier than others

Note that this is Nancy Pelosi’s last term and she won’t be seeking re-election so The Pelosi Effect wont be an issue in 2022.

Also, there is a special election in March for Cedric Richmond’s seat in Louisiana-2 because he’s going to be working for the Biden admin. So vote for, volunteer for, and/or donate to the Gary Chambers Jr campaign.

Oh, and BTW, you’re gonna wanna zoom in to read this stuff. Sorry, I’m a dumbass and they won’t let me post a PDF.

Here’s more.
And more…
This is all of them. 102 total. The last part of the list gets a little hairy.
Here’s some stuff I felt needed to be said. The links don’t work because this is a picture of a PDF. But I’ll put them below.

The link to Govtrack ideology scores: <<THIS>>

The link to the 538 tracking trumpism: <<Oh Gee, here it is>>

The link to CityLab Congressional Density Index: <<LOLWUT>>

Oh yeah, this is also worth noting. Again, the link does not work because this is a picture of a PDF and I’m an idiot.

>>>Here is the actual link to the M4A Co-sponsor list. <<<<

People need healthcare. They should get healthcare. Single Payer would be a better system. People would get paid. People would get care. What’s not to like?

